Adaptación de terneros Charolais después de un transporte largo: efectos de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 con levadura selenizada sobre parámetros sanguíneos y ruminales
Marine Gauthier1, Matteo Santinello2, Isabella Lora3, Clothilde Villot4, Mauro Penasa5, Giulio Cozzi6, David Terán7, Paula Soler8, Alberto Guerra9, Massimo De Marchi10
1-Lallemand Animal Nutrition 2-University of Padova
3-University of Padova 4-Lallemand Animal Nutrition
5-University of Padova 6-University of Padova
7-Lallemand Animal Nutrition 8-Lallemand Animal Nutrition
9-University of Padova 10-University of Padova
Long-distance transport, cominglingand receiving phase at the fattening unit are sources of stress for young beef cattle. This randomised controlled study involved 80 Charolais young bulls that underwent 12 hours of transport from France to Italy and aimed at testing whether the animals have some benefits from the supplementation of live yeast and selenium through slow-release nutritional boluses. The bulls were randomly allocated into two supplementation groups of 40 animals each, named Yeast and Control groups. Bulls of the Yeast group received two slow-release ruminal boluses before leaving France and live yeast was also supplemented in the receiving diet once arrived in Italy. The supplementation Yeast consisted of a live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 and selenium-enriched yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R397. Individual BW and blood metabolic profile were assessed before leaving the French commingling centre (d-1), at the arrival to the Italian fattening unit (day 0) and after 7 d (day 7). The rumen environment was continuously monitored through reticulo–rumen sensors (SmaXtec) that measured pH (n=26), temperature (n=34) and rumination (n=34) in a subsample of 60 bulls, equally distributed between Yeast and Control groups. Supplementation did not affect BW loss during transportation (-27 kg) or BW recovery (ADGd0-7=2.32 kg/d) after 7 days. Bulls fed Yeast tended to increase blood glucose (5.06 vs 4.92 mmol/L for Control group; p=0.07) and increased blood selenium content (73.4 vs 57.5 µg/L; p<0.01), which can potentially benefit animal for stress recovery. Reticulo–rumen data shows that supplementation stabilised the rumen environment by limiting the daily pH amplitude (p<0.05) and the inter-animal variability (p<0.01). The Yeast group tended to increase the time spent ruminating (+32 minute/day; p=0.09) at day 7 compared with Control group. More stable ruminal conditions represent an important support for beef cattle health during the receiving period at the fattening unit, when animals face the delicate transition to the fattening unit.